
Here you'll find the largest selection of salt nics in the uk that we've selected to mix and match 3 for £12. We do hope all bases are covered with near 700 flavours to choose from.


Here you'll find all of our throw away salt Nic sticks. These are great for nights out, festivals and just anyone that just hates refilling their tank.


From pod systems and basic starter kits all the way to squonks and high end set ups, you'll be sure to find something for everyones budget and needs.


Here you'll find a mix of RDA's, RTA's and tanks with stock coils perfect to use with any Salts. Want to make your tank bigger? check out the accessory section.


Wether you prefer an open, closed or disposable system you'll find what you're looking for here.


Single, dual, internal or even triple battery devices to suit every need and budget.


Separated in brands for your ease, here you'll find all of our coils, empty pods, wire and pre made coils for rebuildable's.


All of our replacement glass, XL pods, DIY tools and any miscellaneous bits you'll need.


View our entire collect, product by product here.


Collection list